Great work requires the right resources. We want to make sure that our services align with your expectations. What does your ideal working relationship look like?
Select One*
One time project
Ongoing assistance with multiple projects
Complete handoff of marketing, e-commerce, & website duties
What is your all-in monthly budget, including marketing and agency expenses?
Select One
Not going to tell you at this time
$1500 - $3,000
$3,000 - $5,000
$5,000 - $20,000
$20,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $100,000
$100,000 +
Have you set aside funds for this effort, or are you still in the budgeting phase
Select One
Yes, we’re ready
No, we’re in the budgeting phase
We move at the speed of your business. Whether you need a quick turnaround or have a flexible timeline, we’ll ensure we’re aligned on expectations. Plus, knowing who’s involved in decision-making helps us stay efficient.
Who will be involved in the decision-making?
+ Add another decision Maker
What is your ideal timeline for kicking off and wrapping up this project? Select the option that best fits your pace:
Select One
ASAP—let’s hit the ground running!
Soon, but I’m flexible on the exact start date.
No rush—I’m more focused on getting it right than getting it fast.
I have a specific timeline in mind and would like to stick to it.
Great partnerships require collaboration. We want to know how involved you’d like to be, whether you have resources available, and if you’re open to fresh ideas. Let’s make sure we’re set up for an amazing working relationship!
Do you have the internal resources (team, time, content, etc.) needed to support this venture?
How involved would you like to be in the process? Select the option that best matches your preferred level of engagement:
Select One
I’m all in—keep me in the loop every step of the way.
A weekly update sounds perfect to stay on track.
Let’s touch base once a month for key updates.
Just let me know when you need something or when the goals are accomplished.
How flexible are you when it comes to ideas and strategies? Select the option that best reflects your approach:
Select One
I’m wide open—bring on the fresh ideas and creative strategies!
I’m open to new ideas, but I have a general direction in mind.
I prefer to stick to a set approach, but I’m willing to tweak if needed.
I have a clear vision and want to follow it closely.